At M&D Enterprises & Lawnmower Shops, we’re excited to introduce the Derksen 10x16 Side Lofted Barn to our lineup. This versatile storage solution offers ample space for all of your outdoor gear, while the lofted area provides additional storage options. With its durable construction and customizable features, this barn is the perfect addition to any backyard. Come check it out and take your outdoor space to the next level!
Roof: Brown Metal
Siding: Blue Paint
Trim: White Paint
Derksen Portable Buildings has worked for over 20 years to become America’s most trusted name in backyard storage solutions. Since 1995, Derksen has set the standard in the industry, innovating and producing top quality buildings at an affordable price. Constructed in a tradition of Mennonite Craftsmanship, each of their structures is handmade and built to last. When you buy a Derksen, you can have confidence that they will be there for service after the sale.
Roof: Brown Metal
Siding: Blue Paint
Trim: White Paint
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